There’s a new magazine for parents coming to book bags this month if you live in Warwick, Leamington or Kenilworth.  Families Warwickshire is the latest version of the successful Families magazine format to launch.  The magazine’s already successfully running elsewhere in the UK so I was thrilled when local editor, Gabrielle Starkey, approached me to provide a “Back to School” themed photo for the cover of her first edition.  It’s full of useful information about what’s on for kids in  central Warwickshire, plus tips and hints on things to make and, as we’re starting a new school year, ideas on what to look for when choosing a new school.


UPDATE: If you didn’t get a printed copy, here’s a link to the electronic one.

Two primary school children on the way to school | Cover photograph for Families Warwickshire magazine by Linda Scannell Photography

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