I’ve always been interested in astronomy – I did a module on it as part of my degree.  So this morning’s partial solar eclipse was a great excuse to take a break from my photo editing and take some photos for me.   The weather was kind (unlike my previous attempt to photograph an eclipse in Devon back in 1999 when we had solid cloud) so I’m really pleased with the results.

This one was at about 9.15am before it got to maximum at approximately 9.30am.

Solar eclipse viewed from Warwick UK | 2015 | Linda Scannell Photography


Here’s the smile, upside down because we were projecting it on to white card using binoculars.

Solar eclipse 2015 projected onto card using binoculars | Linda Scannell


For those of you interested in the camera gear, I used my Canon EOS 1D Mk IV as its 1.3x factor sensor gave my 200mm lens a boost, making it the equivalent of 260mm.

Canon EOS 1D Mk IV photographing solar eclipse | Linda Scannell


This was just about the maximum coverage we got in Warwick – a Cheshire cat smile perfect for today’s International Day of Happiness :-)


Solar Eclipse UK March 2015 | viewed from Warwick | Linda Scannell Photography

And now the moon’s started moving away from the sun again …

Solar eclipse 2015 in UK | Linda Scannell Photography


I’ll finish off with a fine art photo.  The thin cloud was perfect for creating a bit more visual interest

Solar Eclipse UK Warwick 2015


It was a wonderful experience – not quite as eerie as experiencing totality, but great nonetheless.  And it’s fired up my enthusiasm to see a total eclipse again, so planning for a 2017 trip to the USA to catch the next one starts now :-)




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